Blue Diamond vs. Red Diamond| How are they different?


Diamonds are among the most popular precious stones in the world. This is simply because they are the most sought-after for various special events including weddings and other adornments. Being so popular, many people are well accustomed to the four classification factors of diamonds (carat, cut, clarity, and color).

In this article, we are going to discuss two rare colors of diamonds and how they differ in various ways. Diamond in different colors other than colorless, white, and yellow, portrays a certain uniqueness that increases its value.  Here, we are delving into blue diamond vs. red diamond to bring to light the difference between the two.

Blue Diamond

A blue diamond is a stone that possesses all the mineral properties of all diamonds except that it comes with an additional blue color. The color is displayed vividly when viewed at a glance. Naturally, diamonds are either white or colorless. However, the stone acquires the blue color due to the presence of boron during formation.

Blue diamond displays different hues from greenish-blue with blue as the dominant hue to grayish-blue. When it comes to blue diamonds, the grey and green hues are considered secondary, with blue being the primary hue. However, a blue diamond without any secondary hue displays the most beautiful color making it more valuable because they are deemed pure. It is worth noting that pastel blue diamond has a lesser value compared to the diamonds displaying more vivid colors.

Natural blue diamonds are highly valued. By natural it means they obtained the color during formation and have not been treated. The probability of mining natural blue diamonds is usually low, making them rare. For this reason, there are different techniques used to alter the appearance of a diamond, particularly, the addition of color to a transparent diamond. Natural blue diamonds are mined with the existing blue color.

Red Diamond

A red diamond is a stone with similar mineral content as the colorless diamond but displays a red color. Finding a red diamond during mining doesn’t come by chance due to its rarity. Being so rare, pure red diamond comes at an extremely high price, more expensive than blue diamonds.

The origin of the red color in this rare gem is not yet known. However, it is linked to the plastic deformation that occurs in the gem’s structure during formation. As the diamond rises through the kimberlite deposit, it loses some of the atoms in its structure. Since there is so much pressure during movement, the diamond appears with different shades of pink and red.

Like all diamonds, red diamond also goes through the 4Cs of grading diamonds. Red diamond is among the fancy color diamonds, which sum up to 12 colors. And during grading, the color is the most absolute of the characteristics. This makes it the top determining factor when it comes to the value of a red diamond. Given the rare circumstances that surround the formation, the red diamond is considered to be among the most expensive precious stones in the world.

Blue diamond vs. Red diamond

Naturally mined colored diamonds are very beautiful and are the most sought-after in the world. This is because they portray the abundance of color that makes them extremely rare. As mentioned, diamonds are found in various colors but blue and red diamonds are rare. Here, we talk more about blue diamond vs. red diamond to see how the two differ.

·         Size

When it comes to size regarding blue diamond vs. red diamond, the blue one takes the lead. Natural blue diamonds exhibit a larger crystalline structure compared to red diamonds. This is because, during the formation of blue diamond, it is contaminated by boron without affecting its actual size. That is why blue diamond is found in a larger size. Red diamond, on the other hand, is only found in sizes under 1 carat.

·         Color

Blue diamond comes in various hues whereby, you can find it in greenish-blue or greyish-blue hues. The lighter variants cost less compared to the deep-colored blues. Red diamond, on the other hand, is only found in single color intensity. Finding pure reds in diamond is quite difficult and it all comes down to the process of formation. Pastel red diamond is considered pink diamond, meaning, there is not much of hue variation in red diamond.

·         Formation

The blue diamond is formed when small traces of the element boron replace part of the carbon in the crystalline structure of the diamond. This causes it to form various tints of blue ranging from too light to extremely deep blues. The process involved in the formation of red diamonds is extremely rare. For this reason, finding pure red diamonds is comprehensively exceptional.

·         Rarity

Red diamond, as mentioned, is rarer compared to the blue diamond. Although the two are rare colors of diamond, finding a red diamond is close to impossible given that there are 20-30 in existence in the world. While there are only a few mines for the blue diamond in the world, you will find a couple of blue diamonds on the market. This is also attributed to the fact that they come in large sizes.

·         Price

When it comes to pricing, the rarest is highly-priced per carat. That said, a red diamond is more expensive compared to a blue diamond per carat.


Diamonds are beautiful precious stones that are highly preferred for those special occasions. Getting the rare kind will make the occasions even more memorable. With the blue diamond vs. red diamond discussion above, you can decide which one suits your occasion better. Knowing the difference between these two rare gems can go a long way in your purchasing decision. Say how you feel with a rare diamond to make the moment feel special.